Preposições ✎ Atividades

exercícios com prepositions inglês


atividades inglês


1) Escolha in/on/at de acordo com o texto!


A) I go to work every day _____ 7:00 am.


B) Do you work _____ Monday?


C) He has an appointment _____ the afternoon.


D) What do you want _____ your birthday?


E) We don’t like to swim _____ the winter, the water is cold.


F) My friend’s party is _____ March.



Tire dúvidas no material explicativo ➚


2) Preencha a frase com a melhor preposição de lugar:

(through – out of – between – behind – under – inside)


A) The ball went the window and broke the glass.


B) They need to get here now!


C) There is nothing us, I love you very much!


D) She tried to stay the curtains, but I saw her.


E) The dog is barking the table.


F) There is some juice for you the fridge.



3) Coloque as frases na ordem correta:


A) He / Always / is / us / between / don’t / I / like / and / that.


B) She / beside / you / day / was / that.


C) He / people / among / is / those / with / Peter.


D) Inside / you / can / get / please / room / the / ?.


E) The / in front of / supermarket / bakery / the / is.


F) Jumped / off / he / bus / movement / in / the.



4) Consegue colocar em ordem:


A) Eu coloquei a alface dentro da geladeira.


B) Ele estava entre as pessoas e eu não o vi.


C) Não podemos ter segredos entre nós.


D) O mundo dá voltas, é só esperar.


E) Eu não me dou bem com minha prima.



5) Corrija os erros de gramática, se necessário:


A) We need to stay between the people.


B) He threw the ball under the window.


C) I like to do activities inside, like in the park.


D) They live far from here, it’s just 2 minutes away.


E) Mary loves him between everything.



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