All x The Whole ✎ Atividades

exercícios com all whole inglês


atividades inglês


1) Escolha all (the) / (the) Whole de acordo com o texto!


A) I love when ________ my students come to class.


B) She ate ________ cake on her birthday.


C) Why do you argue _______ the time?


D) This is ________ in the mind.


E) ________ city was burning, we couldn’t do anything.


F) My friend was in the party ________ night.



2) Preencha a frase with all (the) ou (the) whole de acordo com a frase!


A) I was tired of waiting for you day!


B) Those people are so boring ! I can’t stand them !


C) Thank you very much for things you have done for me.


D) place was full of birds.


E) Where were you? I was looking for you in city!


F) She spent her money in shoes.



3) Coloque as frases na ordem correta!


A) The / country / worried / whole / was / the / with / disaster.


B) She / whole / was / the / home / at / weekend.


C) Studied / I / day / all / the / for / test.


D) He / all / home / was / alone.


E) All/ students / attention / need / pay / to.


F) She / all / wanted / got / on /party / her / she.



4) Passe as frases para o inglês!


A) Eu fiquei esperando por você o dia todo!


B) Todas as pessoas precisam de amor.


C) O mundo inteiro está contaminado por COVID19.


D) Kim e Mathew compram todas as coisas juntos.


E) Nós precisamos organizar todas as reuniões.



5) Corrija os erros de gramática!


A) We need to stay with the whole students.


B) He forgets whole my favorite colors.


C) I will search you in all the world.


D) Would you like to spend all the day here?


E) Kathy loves him with the whole her feelings.



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