IN, ON e AT – Quando usar as preposições no Inglês

quando usar in on at

Se há um tema importante a ser aprendido no inglês são as preposições. Esta matéria causa muitas dúvidas entre os estudantes, portanto, vamos abordar nesta aula três delas – IN, ON e AT. São várias regras a serem levadas em consideração, portanto, vale a pena estudar os detalhes para que não haja nenhuma dúvida.

É essencial ler muito no seu dia a dia, veja vídeos e filmes, ouça músicas e poderá encontrar várias preposições. Aprenda todos os dias e poderá ter uma compreensão muito melhor do idioma.

O importante é pensar em inglês e observar os detalhes de cada frase. Não tenha medo de errar! Uma observação importante: as preposições na maioria dos casos são fáceis de traduzir, mas pensar no idioma é essencial para uma boa fluência – nem sempre uma tradução dá certo. Preste atenção na posição das palavras na frase. São vários exemplos para sua melhor compreensão. Vamos abordar caso a caso a partir de agora.


Preposição IN

São alguns casos para o uso da preposição IN – Vamos analisá-los – observe a posição das palavras nas frases.


► Antes de meses do ano

Michael was born in February. (uma dica: os meses do ano sempre são escritos com letras maiúsculas) – January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November e December.

Peter will travel to England in March.

Susan is going to Spain in August.

Karen deceased in October.

She will buy a new car in December.


► Antes de anos:

Paul went to Brazil in 2015.

Mike’s father deceased in 2014.

Sharon got married in 1999.

When did you travel to the United States? I traveled to the USA in 2001.


► *antes de séculos

The greatest artists were born in the eighteenth century.


► * antes de países, cidades, estados, locais em geral.

Pete is in Vancouver.

Michael and Jane are in their home right now.

My father has a job in London.


► Antes das estações do ano 

fall, winter, spring and summer


I’ll travel to Europe in the winter. I love snow!

Sharon has vacation in the summer. She goes to the beach.

In the spring I usually visit different parks in my city.

In the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening

My father works in the evening every day.

Susan plays volleyball in the afternoon every Saturday.

Paul’s father walks to his job very early in the morning.


► Dentro de

He is in his living room watching a soccer game.

Mike is in his bedroom talking to his father.

Karen is in her bedroom studying Geography.

Paul and Susan are in their company preparing reports right now.



Preposição ON

Vamos ver os casos onde a preposição ON é utilizada.


► Antes de dias da semana 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Dica: dias da semana são sempre escritos com letras maiúsculas.


My brother usually works on Saturdays.

I have English classes on Monday and Wednesday.

My sister has ballet classes on Monday morning.

My father studies Spanish on Saturday afternoon.

Peter studies Portuguese on Tuesdays.

When do you have Math classes? I have Math classes on Wednesday and Friday.


► Antes de datas

My birthday is on March 22.

Chritmas is celebrated on December 25.

Her marriage will be on September 10.

Michael’s birthday will be on August 1.


► *na expressão – no meu aniversário:

On my birthday I intend to invite many people.


► * antes de transportes públicos:

Peter is on the plane traveling to Australia.


► Antes de dias determinados

On Christmas Day I usually travel to the farm.

American people love eating turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

The American President will be in Washington D.C. on Independence Day.


► Em cima de

My cat is on the chair.

My notebook is on the shelf.


► *on the weekends – usado nos Estados Unidos 

My sister plays basketball on the weekends.


Preposição AT

Vamos ver agora a última preposição – AT – são alguns casos a analisar.


► Antes de horas

I wake up at six o’clock every day.

My sister sleeps at eleven pm.

My sister studies English at 8 am.

What time do you usually go to the gym? I usually go to the gym at seven am.


► *at the weekend é usado na Inglaterra.

I go to the supermarket at the weekend.


► Antes de algumas palavras:

noon, lunchtime, night e midnight.


I have lunch at noon in my company.

Shall we have a beer at lunchtime?

I never work at night.

Donald sleeps at midnight on Fridays.]


► Antes de datas especiais

At Christmas I usually buy some gifts for my family.

My sister usually buys chocolate at Easter.


► Antes de locais públicos

I will be at home in a few hours.

I need to meet Mike at the airport at two o’clock.

She works at 119 Third Avenue, New York.

Paul is at the bus stop now.


Vamos praticar?

Exercises – Clique na opção certa:

A) Paul lives inaton Canada.

B) Peter wakes up onatin five am everyday.

C) My sister is onatin her bedroom right now.

D) I have English classes onatin Monday and Wednesday.

E) Paul and Peter work onatin London University.

F) My dog is inonat its house at this moment.

G) Paul and Lennon lived oninat Liverpool.

H) Stephanie is atinon London Hospital.





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