Present Continuous ✎ Atividades

exercícios com present continuous


atividades inglês


1) Escolha a resposta correta!


1. My brother is ___________ a game in the living room.


2. The cat is _________ its food.


3. I am ________ to my friend on the phone.


4. Julia is ________ lunch in the cafeteria.


5. We are _________ to the movies tomorrow.


6. The barber is __________ my hair.


7. My wife is _________ for the English test.



2) Complete a frase no presente contínuo!

(sleeping – playing – coming – walking – doing – drinking)


a) My friends are tennis.


b) I am in a soft bed.


c) They are to my house on the weekend.


d) Matt and James are chess.


e) He is the activities online.


f) We are in the park.


g) You are too much coffee.



3) Coloque as frases na ordem correta!


a) walking / street / I / on / am / the.


b) giving / to / a / she / cake / she / her / is / mother.


c) friends / weekend / my / are / this / travelling / Europe / to.


d) taking / they / English / are / online / classes.


e) working / my / is / he / father / with.


f) arriving / they / in / the / are / afternoon.


g) washing / the / I / now / dishes / am.



4) Passe as frases para o inglês!


a) Eu estou cozinhando frango para meu marido.


b) Eles estão jogando futebol.


c) Nós estamos comendo batata frita.


d) Ela está indo comprar um celular.


e) Ele está dirigindo meu carro.


f) Você está lendo um livro muito bom.


g) Eu estou nadando na piscina.



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