Adverbs of Frequency Atividades ✎

exercicios com adverbios de frequencia


atividades inglês


1) Escolha a alternativa correta!


A) I ________ walk in the park because I like the nature.


B) She ________ goes to the dentist because she is afraid of it.


C) We ________ go to the beach in the end of the year.(quase sempre)


D) They ________ swim in the sea, when is very hot.(com frequência)


E) My friends ________ forget my birthday, I feel bad about it.(algumas vezes)


F) She ________ washes the dishes, she is lazy.


G) I ________ travel because I don’t have much money.



2) Complete a frase com as opções mais adequadas!


A) He dives in the sea in the afternoon.(sempre)


B) We drink wine at night.(de costume)


C) I go to the beach, when I have time.(às vezes)


D) She studies on the weekend.(normalmente)


E) They work until late.(nunca)


F) You are tired, my friend!(sempre)


G) He is happy with his team.(sempre)



3) Coloque as frases em ordem!


A) wanted / new / have / to / I / a / car / always


B) what / listen / to / I / say / they / never


C) go/ beach / to / they / the / often


D) usually / with / I / home / my / stay / mom


E) books / I / seldom / read


F) think / abroad / always / about / I / moving


G) sometimes / my / I / forget / I / b-day / wife’s



4) Consegue passar para o inglês?


A) Eu sempre viajo com meus pais nos finais de semana.


B) Eu nunca nado sozinho porque eu tenho medo


C) Raramente eu falo com meu patrão


D) Eu frequentemente vou ao cinema


E) Eles nunca compram comida para o gato


F) Ela geralmente come cereal no café da manhã


G) Eu sempre esqueço do meu aniversário



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